Welcome to the United 4 Christ Bible University. Thank you for enrolling.
The next step is to download the Student Check Form (English or Spanish) for the Program you have enrolled for. This Check Form lists the courses required for Certification. Courses must be taken in the order as listed.
Download the Student Check Form
If you have not yet done so, create your Account at the United 4 Christ Bible University
Please note you must pay your Enrollment Fee before taking any Courses at the United 4 Christ Bible University, otherwise you will not receive Certification.
Once you have paid your Enrollment Fee and created your Account, you can select the first course for your selected Program. You can choose either the English or Spanish versions
The courses are 100% online and makes it possible for you to study from anywhere and gives you the flexibility to study on your own schedule.
Please note that not all Courses for all Programs have been published as yet. Keep checking your Dashboard at the United for Christ Bible University to see when the Courses for your Program have been published. We appreciate your patience.