General Bible Studies
GBS 101 Basic Bible Doctrine
This course covers important Bible Doctrines, including the Attributes of God, the Person and Work of Christ, the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and Teachings regarding Mankind, Satan, Angels, the Church, and End-Time Events.
GBS 105 Living the Christian Life
What really counts in the Christian’s life? A believer’s walk can become sidetracked by the tyranny of each day’s needs. This course delivers a fully packed, practical guide to living the Christian Life.
GBS 110 Humility
The Lord desires to exalt you! And He will, after your natural pride is replaced with His supernatural humility. This crucial course provides great insight from God’s Word on this pivotal ingredient of true Christianity
GBS 115 Prayer
A rewarding study about prayer in the life of the believer. This course includes aspects of prayer such as, the purpose of prayer, the preparation for prayer, the power of prayer, private prayer, public prayer, and the perfect prayer.
GBS 120 The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is a divine Person, equal with the Father and with the Son in the Godhead. He is not an undefined spirit just floating out there. The student will enjoy this inspiring and balanced look at the attributes and work of the Holy Spirit.
GBS 125 Key Words of the Christian Life
This study covers such topics as justification, adoption, regeneration, propitiation, imputation, sanctification, reconciliation, redemption, intercession, mediation, predestination, and glorification. This course will expand the Christian’s life.
GBS 130 Bible Times and Customs
Knowing Biblical manners and customs is basic to understanding the Bible. This course deals with subjects such as customs at mealtime, education of youth, trades, and customs regarding marriage and property.
Old Testament Studies
OTS 101 Old Testament, Part 1
This course summarizes the overall contents of the Books of Genesis through Esther. These Old Testament Books contain truth relevant for today, and point to the Prophecies of Jesus Christ. This is a pertinent study for all Bible Students.
OTS 105 Old Testament, Part 2
This course summarizes the overall contents of the Books of Job through Malachi. Bible Students will find this a rewarding and fulfilling course through the second part of the Old Testament.
OTS 110 The Book of Ruth
This is a study on the Romance of Redemption. We have much to learn from this ancestor in the line of Jesus our Lord. The student learns that Redemption is only possible through a Kinsman-Redeemer.
OTS 115 The Book of Esther
God’s hand of providence and protection on behalf of His people is evident throughout the Book of Esther. In this study, the student comes to understand some of the riches and valuable lessons from this great story.
OTS 120 Christ in the Tabernacle
This study reveals how Christ is portrayed in every aspect of the Tabernacle that God commanded Moses to build. Students understand the rich symbolism of this structure, and its relevance to our personal worship of God.
New Testament Studies
NTS 101 New Testament, Part 1
The New Testament is vital to the life of every Christian. This course studies the first 14 Books of the New Testament, giving students a deep understanding of these Books.
NTS 105 New Testament, Part 2
This course provides a blueprint of the purpose, background, and contents of the last 13 Books of the New Testament. This course prepares students with a closer look at the riches found in each of these Books.
NTS 110 The Gospel of Mark
This course explores Mark recounting of the Prophecies of Isaiah, Malachi, and John the Baptist. Mark ends his account with the Resurrection of Jesus.
NTS 115 The Book of Colossians
This course illuminates the spiritual truths that are packed into the Book of Colossians. The student will gain a greater understanding of how to live the Christian Life.
NTS 120 The Book of Philippians
This course discusses how Christ is preeminent in all things and how we can see Him as our life, our mind, our goal, and our strength. Students will benefit tremendously from this study.
NTS 125 The Book of Revelation
A captivating study of future events as portrayed in the greatest Book of Prophecy including the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the Millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Heaven and the New Earth.
NTS 130 Seven Churches of Revelation
This study of the Seven Letters of the Seven Churches aids the student in understanding what Jesus is saying to the Body of Christ in these last days. This study is a must for any serious study of Bible Prophecy.
Biblical Languages Studies
BLS 101 Greek Word Studies
Why study Greek? The purpose of this course is to show the riches of the Greek New Testament, and to provide spiritual food and help to those who study the Bible.
Christian Counseling Studies
CCS 101 Principles of Spiritual Growth
This study carefully brings out important principles of Spiritual Growth. Students learn how to build upon a sound Biblical foundation in Christ, and the various aspects of the Christian life.
CCS 105 Principles of the Holy Spirit
This study of the Principles of the Holy Spirit highlights the close connection between living by the Holy Spirit and adopting the mindset displayed by Christ on the Cross.
CCS 110 Principles of the Living Water
Students learn that the Living Water is a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. And, that the Savior and His doctrines, principles, and ordinances are essential for eternal life.
Christian Education Studies
CES 101 Character Development
This dynamic study concentrates on the Biblical attributes, attitudes, and actions of a maturing Christian, and how one may obtain these.
CES 105 The Christian Teacher
The purpose of the Christian Teacher is to intentionally disciple students. They use every opportunity to speak Biblical truth into students’ lives. This study gives guidance to the Christian Teacher.
CES 110 Christ, the Teacher
This course delivers an analytical study of teaching techniques used by Jesus. Learn how Jesus used the lecture method, how He captured interest, used illustrations, paradoxes, and even asking questions.
CES 115 Directing Christian Education
This course offers valuable insight on how to master the ministry of teaching in today’s Church. As you study this material, God will show you ways to be a better teacher in the ministry God has given you.
Bible Character Studies
BCS 101 The Apostles
Each Apostle was specially chosen by Jesus, and He left the ministry in their hands. This course opens up their lives as they actually were … the good, the bad, and the ugly. The student learns the lives of the Apostles reflects their own lives.
BCS 105 The Life of Elijah
This course is a study of Elijah’s strengths, his weaknesses, his enormous victories, his deep despair, his times of waiting. and his moments of glory.
BCS 110 The Life of Joseph
This course is a practical study tracing the events, circumstances, and results in the life of Joseph. Special emphasis is given to Joseph as a type of Christ.
Evangelist Missions Studies
EMS 101 Biblical Basis of Missions
The Bible has more to teach about missions. This comprehensive study gives attention to a wide range of missionary subjects, ranging from intercessory prayer to world evangelism.
Biblical Social Studies
BSS 101 The History of the Church
This course is a unique study of the fascinating men and women who lived and died standing for God’s truth in the development of His Churches, from the days of Christ to the modern era.
BSS 105 God in American History
Is America a Christian Nation? There is much discourse in the public square over this topic. What are the facts? This course shows the close relationship between God and the founding and development of America.
Pastoral Ministry Studies
PMS 101 The Christian Teacher
As Christian teachers, we make a real and lasting impact in the hearts and lives of our students, and help them grow in character and wisdom. In this study, we learn to be Christian teachers from the Master Teacher.
PMS 105 Sermon Preparation
This course is a close examination of expository preaching with emphasis on the preparation, process, and organization needed to prepare effective sermons. This study focuses on classic material on how to prepare sermons.
PMS 110 Mastering Pastoral Counseling
There is likely no stickier area of Pastoral Ministry than counseling. This study gives a wealth of Godly wisdom, and helps a devoted Pastor combine Biblical teaching with the counseling touch.
Church Ministry Studies
CMS 101 Church Management
Faith, Theology, and Calling are assumed necessities for a pastor. However, pastoral effectiveness is often hampered by inferior skills. This course will help the Christian leader who desires to master Church Management.​